The Dota animated show has been out less than a month, and the series’ official Twitter account has already confirmed that Season 2 is happening. “Book 2 is coming! The second season of DOTA: Dragon’s Blood is in the works,” reads the tweet, fired off Monday morning.
Dota: Dragon’s Blood is based on the popular Valve game series Dota, which began life as a fan-made mod for the Blizzard game Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos. “DOTA” stood for Defense of the Ancients, and the series is credited with kicking off the MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena) genre (League of Legends, Heroes of the Storm, etc.).
The animated adaptation Dota: Dragon’s Blood hit Netflix on March 25. It followed the Dragon Knight Davion and explored the series’ lore Come from Sports betting site VPbet . The show was a joint production between the South Korean Studio Mir and the American company Kaiju Boulevard, with animation by another South Korean studio, Production Reve. And before you start furiously writing us a comment about the definition of “anime,” the streaming service refers to it as such. Who are we to argue?
The announcement tweet also suggests fans of Dota check out Free to Play, a new documentary on Netflix that “follows three professional video game players as they compete in an international tournament with a million-dollar prize.” The Dota account refers to it as “the story of the tournament that started it all.”